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How It Works

To be at your best for any endurance event longer than ~1 hour, you'll need to consume additional fuel, replace salt lost through sweat, and drink water to maintain hydration and blood volume. But one size does not fit all, and the amounts required will vary for each and every one of us, and for different activities, terrains, and conditions. 

Aere Nutrition calculates your personal nutritional requirements across fuel, salt, and hydration, and lets you match high quality products to your event pack to properly reach those requirements.  

With just a few clicks you will have a personalised nutrition pack ready and shipped out for your event. Giving you peace of mind, saving you time and money, and allowing you to bring your best to your event. 

Tell us about you

Sign up and provide us with a few health metrics so we can understand your bodies requirements for any activity

Your event

Select or create your event, with info including your estimated duration, intensity and terrain. 


We calculate what your body needs for your event - across fuel, salt, and hydration. 

Add products quickly and easily to build your precision nutrition pack. 


We send out your precision nutrition pack to your door. Your nutrition all taken care of, and ready to go for your event. 

Aere Gauge

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We designed the Aere Gauge as the simplest way to show you your total unique nutritional requirements for your event. The total calorie (fuel), salt, and hydration requirements for your event are shown on the Aere Gauge. 

As you add products to your basket in each section, you can see how these products are contributing to your requirement using the Aere Gauge. 

The depletion zone sits within the Aere Gauge, and is used to show you the minimum nutrition you should be consuming during your event, as recommended by Aere Nutrition. 

It is based on the baseline levels of energy, salt, and water we already have, and our bodies ability to slowly convert fat into glycogen to fuel us. As a result you don't need to consume the total fuel or salt requirements for your event. 


The depletion zone shows you the minimum levels of nutrition you should be consuming during your event, to ensure you're sustained and performing to your best.


We recommend you always fill your depletion zone to avoid hitting the wall, or any of the nasty side effects of not consuming the right nutrition. 

Depletion Zone

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