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What is Aere Nutrition

and why did I build it?

 As a scientist at heart and an obsessed trail runner, I would constantly be researching the science of nutrition and endurance running, usually initiated by my own runs and experiences. How much salt should I be consuming? How many calories do I need for this long run? Am I drinking enough on this long ride? How much fuel are these products providing for me?

So I gradually built a formula combining all of that science, to calculate my specific requirements for calories, salt, and hydration, for a specific event. I then realised friends of mine had the same problem on long runs or rides with me. 


So I launched Aere Nutrition, and had that formula built into a platform that could pull in products to reach the nutritional requirements of every user. 

Firstly I hope Aere can be useful - giving you the peace of mind for races or long activities that you do have the fuel, salt, hydration and recovery products your body needs. And it's all supplied, ready for your event. Properly sustained, you can perform at your best and achieve incredible things. 

But I also think Aere can revolutionise sports nutrition. It will bring personalised nutrition within reach of every athlete on the planet - with no added cost or complexity to it. Our formula will keep improving, getting more tailored and more accurate. 

With a few clicks, everyone can arrive on race day with their event nutrition taken care of. 

The Values of Aere

"This little box will sustain you"

Performance Focused

Our first principle is precision nutrition for performance, not cool branding or flavours. This isn't for everyone, but it is part of the Aere ethos and it sets us apart from our competitors.

Excellent value for money

We will always price comparably to retail and compete as much as our size allows. Also, using high quality products across the range ensures excellent value for money.

Rooted in Science and Evidence

Science and evidence-based research has guided the formation of the Aere formula, and the company is rooted in research. We will innovate and continue to improve precision nutrition

Always improving

We don't stand still - we will keep improving our formula, it's accuracy, the simplicity of our platform, and the functionality of our process. 

Exceptional Customer Service

The customer is always right, and we are committed to exceptional customer service for all our users. We will be open and responsive, and thrive on feedback. 

Supporting our Community 

Aere will support our users and our community as much as we can. We want you to enjoy that personal glory of completing these events. Eventually we hope to pop up at events to support you all in person

Still to come...

We are a new startup company, and this is our platform designed to give you the fuel, salt, and hydration your body needs for your event. 

But there's lots we're still working on, and more products and innovations to be launched soon... 



Soon we will be adding the recovery/protein section to our platform, helping you get the protein your bodies requires following your event. Giving your body the best possible chance of recovering properly. 


(antioxidants, fuel, hydration)

That un-branded red drink you'll see some Pro cyclists down as soon as they finish a tour stage actually has some impressive research behind it to aid recovery. We'll be adding a 'Finish Line' drink to our product line, providing you with the perfect mix of antioxidants, calories, and hydration to kick start your post-event recovery as soon as you finish. 

Expanded range

While we don't believe in a vast expanse of different products and flavours and sizes, we will be adding some additional products to our sections to help accomodate for the wide range of preferences of our customers. Keep a look out for gummies, effervescent salts, and some cool accessories to help sustain you on your next adventure. 

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